Industrial machinery industry is continuously undergoing Creative Destruction, where incessant product and process innovations replace the outdated ones. As we know, currently we are witnessing Industrial Revolution 4.0, it is important for Industrial Machinery Industry to design and produce machines which IR 4.0 ready as well as adopt IR 4.0 tenets in its own manufacturing process.
As per a report of McKinsey and Company, if Industry 4.0 is implemented there will be 30 to 50 percent reductions in machine downtime, 10 to 30 percent increase in throughput, 15 to 30 percent improvement in labor productivity, and 85 percent more accurate forecasting.
Hence, it is imperative for Industrial Machinery Industry to adopt IR 4.0 technology in its products design and its manufacturing. Techflakes, provides best in class digital engineering services to Industrial Machinery Industries, which would help them accelerate the adoption of IR 4.0.
Techflakes Industrial Machinery Industry Offerings
Techflakes Industrial Machinery Industry Offerings
Digital Data Thread PLM-ALM-MES-ERP
Preconfigured and Accelerated PLM for Tier1 Industry
LightWeight Visualization Integration